Freud: The Penultimate Biography

Freud: The Penultimate Biography

Publication Information

Publication Date: February 2014
Publisher: Raw Dog Screaming Press
ISBN: 978-1-93-573857-2

$12.95 paperback
$4.99 ebook

144 pages
5 x 8 inches

RDSP Publicity
Cover Design: Matthew Revert


© 2014 Raw Dog Screaming Press

In this unofficial, unauthorized sequel to Peter Gay’s groundbreaking Freud: A Life of Our Time, D. Harlan Wilson reveals a side of the man that has proven too disturbing and risqué for past biographers. Based on newly recovered diaries, microfiche, letters, and secret tape recordings, Freud: The Penultimate Biography recounts the daring sexual exploits of the father of psychoanalysis. Once considered to be impotent by the age of forty, if only according to the written testimonies of his wife, Freud is now revealed as an uncompromising flâneur, the figurehead of masculine sexuality and phallic prowess that everybody knew he was. It is a dangerous and at times shocking chronicle that puts the very nature of desire on trial.


"Wilson’s torrid biography of Dr. Freud has quickly become my fondest guilty pleasure. And I have many guilty pleasures." —JOHN SAPPINGTON MARMADUKE, Professor of Psychology and Men’s Studies at the University of Fostoria

"The author explicitly states in a chapter (if we can call the confusing and unconnected notes a chapter) that his book is a kind of parasite, since it claims to be a biography of Freud solely to be indicated as recommended reading whenever someone buys something related to Freud. A few lines below the author still confesses to having used the same strategy in dozens of other books, written under other pseudonyms. I don't know why Amazon doesn't remove this work from the catalog; it's a very low level scam." —1-STAR AMAZON REVIEW

"This is not a book. It is an algorithm. D. Harlan Wilson’s trilogy of Hitler: The Terminal Biography, Freud: The Penultimate Biography and Douglass: The Lost Autobiography are Magrittesque artifacts. Certainly not biographies in the conventional sense of the genre, these titles may not be, strictly, books, whatever those are these days. They are experiments in deconstructing the supposedly cynical matrices of literature in the Internet age, where units are defined and shifted algorithmically, by guilty—sometimes arbitrary—associations with other books." —THE RUMPUS

"The Biographizer Trilogy is like a series of magic tricks that the magician painstakingly explains, but which nevertheless still dazzle the audience and retain an element of mystery. Meanwhile, as Wilson is explaining his tricks, he’s also stealing your wallet. He’s pulling moves we’re not even aware of until the aftermath." —WORD RIOT

"A guide to anti-writing that puts the roles of both authors and readers in question while problematizing the ways in which we process and make sense out of life experience." —3 A.M MAGAZINE

"This biographical non-biography is a fantastic (and here you can apply all the meanings of that word), funny, smart, self-referencing meta-narrative. It’s everything a book shouldn’t be, and it’s a great read because of it." —VERBICIDE MAGAZINE

"Wilson's The Biographizer Trilogy should interest writers—indie writers in particular—because of the way that it theorizes the production and sale of literary fiction in a digital world. The books evoke the metafictional ideas and themes of writers such as John Barth and Italo Calvino, but deploy them in order to examine the idea of the author and the text in a time when the value of art can be quantified by an author’s Amazon rank. Its representation of publishing is important and timely." —ENTROPY MAGAZINE

"Hi. I was considering buying your 'biography' of Freud. Now that I have read a sample—you should not let people read it, since it will discourage them from buying your work—I have decisively decided not to. What you have writen, and I have only read a sample, has not much to do with Freud but more with yourself. I have only read seven chapters but it was enough to know that you don't know much about Freud. A few points. Actually, Freud didn't have mouth cancer. And since you believe he did, apparently you are just copying what Freud's hagiographers had to say about him. And you are talking about Freud's work ethics. He was on cocaine most of his life, unable to sleep, no wonder he wrote tons of gibberish repeating himself most of the time. Have you read his autobiograhical nonsense? Then you should know. BTW he didn't go to the office every day. He had an office in his own apartment. Actually, he slept a few hours a night, and during the day when 'treating' his patients. It's all in his letters to Fliess. Psychoanalysis isn't useful; in fact, it is the mirror of Freud's wet dreams. In fact, Freud never healed anyone. And neither did his followers, most of them if not all cranks, just like their master. Here is a quote for you: Freud's contemporary, Karl Kraus, quipped that 'psychoanalysis is the disease of which it purports to be the cure.' Exactly. I have studied Freud for years. Unlike most, I believe that, like Swales, or better, I understand Freud, and I don't think that you do. Why people write biographies of people they know nothing about is a good question that you may ask yourself." —FAN MAIL